Rob’s Frog Graham Round – otherwise known as the “Cuckoo Round” as there was a cuckoo on each leg, or, “Coronation Round” as King Charles III was being crowned!
This was amazing!!! I had absolutely the best day and nothing could have been any better - nothing!
We are getting so good at the logistics for this - 3rd year in a row with a similar team involved. I had a good team of wiling volunteers - more than actually needed. All wanted to be involved, even if it was just moving bags and cars.
I felt ready for it, mentally and physically. I had a 4.30am start – my 16 year old son, Ben, ran with me all the way up Skiddaw, with two friends doing the first bit up Latrigg. Two other friends got up and out of bed to see us at the start.
Skiddaw was slower because Ben was struggling. I got 45 - 60 mins behind schedule, but I kept thinking, time doesn't matter, it is so much more important that Ben is part of this with me.
We had a good run down to Bassenthwaite, support (Kirsten, integral part of the FG support team from the last 2 years) waiting for us with a change of clothes. A friend supported me on the swim, so we put on the wetsuits at Dodd wood carpark and ran down to the lake (touching the churchyard wall!). It was still and calm and not too cold.
Had a good swim across with a friend on the SUP. Lovely and calm – not as it had been last year!
Abey (support runner for leg 2 and FG round 2021) and family met us on the other side and after a quick change, I set off with Abey up Barf and onto Leg 2. I soon warmed up and with Abey setting a good pace, we made good progress. Kirsten and Mark met us at Whinlatter car park for a change of shoes and food and water top up. Then on to Grisedale Pike and the rest of leg 2. No messing around, eating on the way, Abey's positivity keeping me going. I was feeling a bit lacking and battered when we headed down to the lake to swim Crummock.
Quick toddy on Hobcarton Crag!
Scramble up Eel Crag
When we reached Hause Point there was a picnic awaiting me! I had a fresh wetsuit, hat and goggles, hot soup and bread (even red wine for Abey!) and replenished supplies. Then swam with Abey across Crummock with kayak company. It felt colder in my swim run wetsuit.
Orna (FG round 2022) met me at the other side, along with 2 friends. We got changed and I felt so much better for the proper food and possibly the cold water on the legs. Used poles to hike up Melbreak (helps save strain on the lower back) and just hit the hill! Good to have different company on each leg too for fresh conversation! We made better progress than I thought on this more technical leg, and were soon at Red Pike then High Stile. It is a very tricky descent from High Stile that I have done differently each of the 3 times that I have been there. We clambered over the rocks and just made our way down as quickly as possible. When in sound range, we heard the cheers from the lake side!
Ascending Red Pike with Orna
A short swim across Buttermere with Orna and Kirsten - cold again in S/R wetsuit. Arrived at Hassness Wood to a picnic blanket out, hot soup on stove with bread, ate as much as I could, plus peanut butter (my staple!) and then got ready for the last leg with Mark. It is a steep slog up Robinson but I just kept going and the bit of rain stopped, the sun came out and when we got to the top it was deserted and peaceful with amazing views in the late afternoon light. I am not sure where everyone was – probably in Keswick having Coronation celebrations. I followed Mark steadily and once we had done the climbing and the tricky decent to Dale Head tarn, we set a steady pace jogging to Catbells. Conditions underfoot were great. Got to Catbells in 2.5 hours - really good progress. A steep descent and then motored to the lake side. Other than battered legs I felt great and ok energy wise.
Last peak - Catbells
We had a lot of laughter crossing Derwent Water. The whole gang were waiting and with Ian in Kayak, Mark on SUP and Abey for swim company, we set off. We crossed the islands with much hilarity and made it in good time to the other side. Again, everyone was waiting for us and we all ran in to Keswick. Ben ran with me playing music and taking videos. Abey’s boys also ran in with us. I was still wearing my wetsuit. It was just awesome. I am so happy with how it went.
It honestly could not have been any better. The whole experience, from start to finish, was just the best endurance experience I have ever had. I really enjoyed the Lakeland 50, but this was better because it was with my good friends. I just loved it and I think everyone enjoyed coming together for it. We all had an awesome time.
Eating proper food and pausing to do so made such a difference. I wasn't chasing a time so I enjoyed 20 min breaks to sit, eat, chat etc. I think that is why I felt so good.
Just brilliant!
Total time 16 hours 49 mins 31 seconds.